March 28, 2023

Section 230: What You Need To Know

The Internet is a vast medium for sharing information, from news and current events to entertainment, stories, and pictures of our families and neighbors. However, the Internet is not always a transparent and safe space, especially for younger or more vulnerable populations. Lies, threats, and misinformation often go viral and can cause real damage to individuals, organizations, and businesses. A legal provision known as Section 230 minimizes liability for the people who control websites and social media forums and limits their exposure and responsibility for the accuracy of information and data being presented, including reviewing and posting false or malicious content on their websites. Should Section 230 be reformed? Why does it exist in the first place?
May 8, 2023

National Debt/Debt Limit: What You Need to Know

Every few years, Republicans and Democrats battle over increasing the national debt limit. Each side tries to avoid blame for the size of the debt and the need to increase it. They also make dire predictions about what will happen if the debt is not raised (a situation known as default), and debate whether an increase should be accompanied by spending cuts, tax increases, or other policy changes. For Americans, this spectacle raises important questions. Why do we have a national debt – and what can we do about it? What happens if the United States defaults on its national debt?
September 27, 2023

Media Usage: Things to Consider

The media sources from which an American receives information is considered one of the most important factors for predicting that person’s political views. Research has not firmly established whether the media influences views or whether people simply selectively pick media sources that align with their existing ideas. So, what are the differences in the media diet of Republicans and Democrats? Does one party trust the media more than the other? What do we make of the changing media landscape that includes a growing number of digital media sites?