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For most of our country’s history, Americans have disagreed.
And then, discussed.
But something changed.
Slowly at first, then all at once.
We kept talking. But stopped listening.
We kept consuming. But stopped learning.
And so, in our new America, disagreement leads to dismissal.
Our country cannot function when its citizens do not conduct fact-based discussions about the future of this great nation.
When problems become politics. When a policy position becomes a personal identity.
We must press on.
We must resume the great American conversation.
The stakes are too high.
The future too bright.
The challenges too daunting.
This is no plea for blind centrism;
for letting go and giving up.
To the contrary.
This is a plea for working harder, caring more, reviving dreams, restoring debate, and normalizing facts-first conversations.
Everything Policy is a facts-first policy content resource.
We independently research and publish easy to understand content with 360° perspectives to inform and inspire public policy conversation, promote sound policymaking, and ultimately improve the quality of life in America.
We are not on the right. We are not on the left. We are not in the middle. 
We are in the United States of America. And we're waiting for you.
Join us.
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