May 7, 2024


Gerrymandering, named after Founding Father and 5th U.S. Vice President Eldridge Gerry, is the process of creating legislative districts that benefit one party more than the other. Districts must be redrawn as a state’s population changes and because of shifts in population concentrations within a state. This process is often a political one because the very elected officials who have an electoral stake in the outcome of redistricting are often able to draw lines that benefit themselves and their co-partisans. Is there a way to keep politics out of drawing legislative districts?
March 19, 2024

Vote By Mail

Voting by mail used to be considered a practice mostly for the elderly, disabled, or military members. In the post-pandemic era, many Americans send in their votes by mail. However, mail-in voting is not an option in every state, and the integrity of mail-in voting has been called into question. Where can people use the option? How much fraud occurs? Could mail-in voting become the way Americans vote in the future?
February 13, 2024

Counting Votes

Concerns about the integrity of the voting process reached new heights after the 2020 presidential elections. One focus of these concerns was the system used to count votes. How is the vote-counting process administered, and who oversees the process? What safeguards exist to make sure all votes are legitimate and accurately counted? Does the system ensure that all valid votes are counted?