August 30, 2023

Media Bias

Because the news media is the primary way Americans learn about politics and policy, we hold news media organizations to high standards of neutrality, ethics, and fairness. Do they live up to this standard?
October 17, 2023

Digital Divide

Americans’ use of the Internet has increased dramatically since 2000, to the point that the Internet is a leading source of information, commerce, and social interactions. However, a digital divide exists in the United States – not everyone has the same access to the Internet. Where does the divide exist in the U.S.? What are the consequences? What can or should the government possibly do about it?
September 8, 2023

Refugees and Asylum

Across the world, it’s estimated there are more than 100 million people who are forcibly displaced because of war, political turmoil, and other hardships. Some of these individuals, also known as refugees, will come to the United States and ask for status that allows them to live and work in America. In effect, refugee status allows someone to jump to the front of the immigration line, bypassing the complex application process that limits the number of people who can legally enter the US each year. What criteria are used to determine who is a refugee? How many refugees does the US admit each year?