November 21, 2023

Bureaucratic Authority

The policy-making process in the United States is like building a house. An owner (the American public) hires an architect (Congress and the President) to build a house. The architect decides what kind of house to build, then hires a contractor (the bureaucracy) to build the house. Because the contractor in most cases has built many houses, the intent is they know the ins and outs of the building process better than the architect or the owner. This expertise gives the contractor (the bureaucracy) considerable authority over how the house gets built. The same is true for the American bureaucracy in the policy-making process.
October 4, 2023

Judicial Power

The courts act as the third branch of the government, checking the power of the executive and the legislature. The power of judicial review allows the courts to ensure the executive and legislative branches of government are not overstepping their constitutional authority. The use of judicial review has played an integral role in America’s history, particularly through well-known cases like Brown v. Board of Education, where racial segregation by the government was deemed unconstitutional. How did the judiciary, often described as the weakest branch of government, gain such a powerful check on the other two branches? What does judicial review do, and why does it matter?
October 10, 2023

Presidential Power

The President of the United States is widely considered the most powerful person in the world. But where does this power come from? What can the president do, and how does he go about it? Moreover, the U.S. has a system of checks and balances between its three branches of government. The president can appoint judges in the judiciary branch and veto legislation from the legislative branch. Do other branches have to back the President for things to happen? What can they prevent the President from doing?